Saturday, October 11

Wine Diva's

Hello....It's me...Annie Grace................
So here is an example of the immature behavior that can result at a moments notice. First Pamaleerrr at every event runs around with her camera taking her own self portrait with every member in attendance and NEVER misses. Seriously she does it at every party and the picture is perfectly centered and she looks the same in every one of them. But then again...she does everything perfectly! Except when she is pregnant......then she is completely off the wall. The Lady said she knows this for a FACT as she sold Pameleeerrr's house when she gave birth to The Lady's little Urchin. Once again I screamed at her " do not have any children!". She gave me The HHTT Look. Here Pamaleer is with The NJ Waif. They look normal at first. Then the night progresses. This is a wine tasting dinner to which most are acting like adults. Not this table. Yes, acting like a walrus at the dinner table. Very mature. The Lady claims Pamaleerrr started it. Where are The Urchins? Since Pamaleerr's husband was serving all the wine and they were drinking all the wine.........are The Urchins home alone? Probably the little Urchin is rummaging around in old Mary Kay product putting on lipstick made for a harlot while the big Urchin still has no shoes. Ghastly indeed. Babs and Smithy.....this is your offspring!

1 comment:

Princess Pameler said...

AG, you need to get up to speed with the lingo - those self portraits are called "Spamalot Shots" - so in your spare time, maybe you can update your list. I'm actually highly offended that it's not already on there.

As for my hormones, tell The Lady that her life would be SO boring without my shenanigans!