Wednesday, August 13

My song birds......

Hi....It's me Annie Grace.....

Since now you know the begining of my story from which I lived in Western Mass.....great life...well loved...plenty of birds and squirrels to a slight adjustment here in RI which I was begining to feel comfortable, get use to all the outdoor activity and then.......The lady came home with birdseed (you see I love love watching the birds and listening to them and I know she does) to replenish. I did not say anything to her for fear of insulting her intelligence but .......the label on the seed did not say SONG BIRD SEED......(She bought it at Job Lot because "we are on a budget") it just said BIRDSEED ....I paced around it....clearly trying to let her know...this is NOT good. We are still learning to understand each other at this point. So....anyway...out goes the cheap (ooopppps ....inexpensive...she does not like the word cheap) birdseed into the feeders. Guess what happened! jays, crows....all the birds from "the wrong side of the track" they are very very violent. It has been loud, sqwaking,mean,hostile birds, they basically over threw the feeders and the beautiful songbirds were gone. I feared for their safety. Well....apparently she (The Lady) noticed it too. So we now have SONG BIRD SEED back in the feeders and I woke up at my usual 5:29 AM to my songbirds again. ! I was sooooo hapy happy happy. So much so...I thew up... (Just a worries!)

1 comment:

Scott said...

A blog about your cat! How...interesting. Good for you.

And it's written from the cat's point of view, in the first person! That's...nice.

And it's all about what the cat does during the day! That's...quaint.

Just a couple of suggestions: please use the spell check function and look up the phrase, "run on sentence".

p.s. And it was Bern (as in Bernadette) who was brought to tears, not Ben.