Wednesday, August 13

My Daily anyway...'s me...Annie Grace....

So far it's been a good day.....Woke up with my song birds. Usually at 5:29 am or so. The Lady is not up yet...I COULD get up quietly and window watch, clean my paws, throw up, or explore. feel it is important to spend all my time with her. So I like to begin by walking over her.....back and forth...back and forth. ...about 25 times.....then I give a push with my paw...about 25 times. If this does not work I get in her face. Then I like to just lay down with her knowing with complete satisfaction that my morning job is done. She is awake! There are some days she ignores me and then I pull out the big guns.....I stare right at her and scratch the leather ottoman......there goes that mouth. A little too early for profanity in my world. Some days I really do window watch quietly after the initial wake up. She calls it her "hour of power".

Then I head down for breakfast...........

At this point you may have an inclination to my size.....I am 11 lbs but she says larger then "HIM". (Follow along folks......TED!) I am 2 feet from my head to my butt. (I caught her measuring the floor boards when I was sleeping...totally not necessary!) ...not including my tail which she said could double as a swiffer and based on the cobwebs in the has. Today she said she has to get a pedicure........a what?????? I asked if it were in "our budget". She claims it falls under "repairs". I am a little suspect on that.....VERY suspect.
Back to my after breakfast I like to window watch from the front of the house. My locations for window watching vary throughout the day......I do not feel the need to expound on that one as ALL CAT'S know why! Because I get up so early....5:29 AM.......I take many naps...ALL day. I am all rearing to go by the time The Lady gets home! Today I will be reviewing "our budget" to see what is listed under "repairs". Busy Busy Day.
Love, Annie Grace

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