Hi.....it's me....Annie Grace.....
I have been contemplating my existence and purpose in life this morning.....all while resting. My main role here is to keep things under control, wake my sleeping Lady at 6:31 AM, keep her in shape by running around collecting my clumps of fur, continue to stimulate the economy by not having interest in any toy she buys me (this way she continues to buy more), and to point out her flaws daily which also helps with the excessive amount of make-up she experiments with. But....since New Years Resolutions are ridiculous and everybody will ask what yours are (which in really NONE of their business) I feel the need to make some up which will then help validate theirs. So.....we both made up ours this morning over Iams Hairball Reducer .....Chicken Flavored.
Annie Grace's Resolutions
1. I will try to eat my food without spilling it all over the floor....... at least once a week.
2. When I want to play/attack Mommy Dearest at 2 AM...... I will not touch her face
3. I will pretend that I am a normal cat and feign interest in one toy.
4. I have no weight issues so..... I will ask for more treats and increase my nip rations
5. I don't have a career so...... I will count my blessings that I don't
6. I will not become agitated when the neighbors mangy feline enters the perimeter lines of my land......I will just shoot him.....to eliminate my stress
7. If I need to sleep in the linen closet, after dumping the sheets on the floor.... I will let her know when I am done so she can put them back
8. I will not sleep on the dining room table when she is not looking......as much
9. Next year...when the Christmas Tree goes up....I will only drink the water in the stand once a day
10. Next year......I will NOT make any resolutions and glare at anyone that asks what they are
Mommy Dearest's Resolutions
(please...keep in mind she wrote these while watching The Today Show which has been discussing the real estate market dramatically turning around this year)
1. No more inexpensive wines. Must be 89 points or above.
2. Pick one hair color instead of experimenting each time....stop thinking there is a better one
3. Find Annie Grace the perfect toy
4. Find myself the most perfect black boots (after I find Annie her toy)
5. Find a fabulous Waterproof eyeliner
6. Ignore Annie Grace's fur clumps
7. Figure out how to work the remote controls and the iPod
8. Not to kick or yell at the dryer when jeans are a tad too tight. Realize it's because they have a design flaw....the dryer is not at fault
9. Not to blow my leaves on the neighbors property
10. Next Year....have more resolutions with substance
Happy New Year!
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