Thursday, December 31

New Years Eve's me......Annie Grace,

Here I am on the Eve of a New Year and already I can tell this year will be exhausting. It starts right now a voice I hear from below.

"Oh Annie.... Annie Grace....where are you?"

Where am I? It's 5:30 PM and I am sleeping in designated spot #94...... the 4th shelve of the linen closet. Does the sheets on the floor give you a clue Lady??? I moved them all out to get a better vantage point further back.

"Annie? Are you up there?"

I move back into the closet praying for a miracle so I continue my 6 hour slumber.

"Oh Annie....there you are! Do you want to come downstairs and watch me make a sauce with meatballs?" she says while sticking her face in the closet.

No.....I do not.

BUT.......I gather myself, feign interest in seeing her upon my awakening and saunter downstairs with her like a broken child. First of all I should tell you.....I will not see one minuscule tablespoon of meatball or sauce and second I am astounded of what attire she has managed to put together while I slept. As I make my way toward my feeding station (which I notice has a new dish....probably to match the other one so everything is just PERFECT) she is still chattering to me about her new eyeliner and asking me if she needs more. Any more of that stuff and you will look like a two bit hooker I tell her. Happily she continues making sauce all while admiring her reflection in the window.

"Really Annie.....I don't think it looks too heavy at all. In fact it is quite glamorous." she tells me. I take one paw and scratch behind my ear, clean the other paw and just stare at her.

"Well Annie maybe it's very dramatic but after's New Years Eve!" I am informed all while still staring at her. I slowly turn back around and scope out the snowfall from today from the front window. Are you going to shovel Mommy Dearest?

"No Annie....I am hoping it will melt by tomorrow and I don't want to smudge my new Eyeliner in Hocus Pocus (Black with shimmering flecks of case you were not aware) with any sort of a sweat."

Smart thinking Mommy need to worry about the mailman, milkman or guests!

As we close another decade and I suffer through another year of madness filled with potions, lotion (aka.... GNP - Gorgeous Nanci Product), minuscule rations of Sheba and a basket full of 34 toys which I still will have no interest in I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!


Annie Grace

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