Tuesday, December 1

Hi...it's me.....Annie Grace....
I have finally retrieved the computer from her clutches. My Lady and Keeper has proclaimed this computer as a working tool. This simply has no bearing on my life or needs but being a prisoner held in captivity I have no say. The Holidays are approaching and I must show the world I am alive and well. I have survived the day known as Thanksgiving which has been quite nerve wracking.... first the Turkey which thawed in the refrigerator for 4 days made my mental well-being .....unstable.....I could smell it from the closet when the door was opened! Then the whole family invaded my dwelling for the entire day...chomping on turkey .......giving me none. Not one minuscule morsel. Selfish family indeed. I managed to survive the onslaught of Millin Family including The Rock Star who managed to sneak in and due to the lack of seating.....sat on the trash can. I was quite embarrassed to put out my recyclables this week as the amount of wine bottles at the curb...... exceeded my neighbors. Anyway...... I digress. So, here I sit reflecting on yet my second Holiday Season here and as I contemplate it.....I notice my Keeper start bringing up boxes of sparkling things. I gasp. Here it comes.... Christmas decorations. Slowly I put one paw over both eyes and skulk down trying to be invisible. Please... oh ...please do not make me part of a "family decorating party".
"Oh Annie...how would you like me to light a fire and we can decorate?" Mommy Dearest says. I slowly slide behind the ottoman.
"Annie Grace? Are you there?" she is shrieking.
I peak around the corner and gasp yet again. Is that metallic purple liquid eyeliner you are wearing I ask this annoying creature.
"Yes Annie. Don't you love it?!!"
I would love it more if you were a character in Star Wars.
The fire gets lit, the boxes continue to arrive, the decorations are displayed (with me diligently nodding that "they are PERFECT there"), Christmas Carols are blaring, eggnog is just out of my reach, her voice with every song is grating on my nerves, and the room becomes alive with every neon sparkle which will just impede my sleeping habits.
The boxes are empty and every symbol of Angels, Stars, Christmas Trees, Sparkling Reindeer's, and all other tacky decor has been plastered all over the house. I am blind with glitter...
Happy Holidays!

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