Hi.....it's me......Annie Grace,
It has been a rather uneventful couple of days on my part. Although it has no bearing on me, my life,my Sheba intake nor my personal life.....our taxes are done. Quite early I am told as usually the 14th is the preferable day to write the checks and send them in. I asked The Lady why on TV they always refer to "A REFUND" and why we do not receive one. She just glared at me and mumbled something about me not being a deduction. I gasped. You tried to deduct me? Except for the measly daily ration of Sheba, Iams Hairball Reducer, the endless supply of stupid toys which I could care less about, 4 new fleece blankets, and large tubs of kitty litter.....what do you spend on me??? "Oh Annie..... I just bought you a scratching tower." she tells me. Why, why, why do you think I want to scratch a tower of carpet? I have 2 leather chairs, an expensive wool rug in the living room, 1 scratch box (which I don't like anymore after I threw up on it), a round scratch pad with a ridiculous rolling ball that goes around it........why would I lower my standards to something for a typical feline? Seriously. She is not listening...here it comes. Look Lady, we live in house that has more then enough furniture...TAKE IT BACK. Now on a daily basis she is moving this tower from room to room...placing it in front of the windows, next to the leather chairs, next to my coffee table which I use for my pre-dinner nap, in front of my Hawk watching window....all in hopes I will use it. I will not. I am fully aware that there are treats stashed on each level and on top of this stupid carpet tower....I ignore the tower and "hidden treats". Every now and then I skulk around it pretending that I will jump up on it, as she spots me doing this...I gracefully walk away and go sit on my coffee table or leather chair and just gaze at her. Its a defiant moment on my part but she is so oblivious...she actually thinks I am getting use to it and will eventually use it. I won't.
"Annie....you have been here for almost a year now" she informs me like it's a good thing.
Look Lady.....you think I don't know how many days I have been held prisoner here? Every day I leave yet another claw mark on the leather chair. I too am counting! Here is my tower which she tried to deduct on her tax return...... Thank god her accountant knows how to deal with her.

1 comment:
Yo Annie, it's me, the Frenchie. No refunds on your end either, eh? Imagine my surprise when I discovered that we couldn't write off the loss on our Wakefield house... apparently the Feds think it is only fair to let people write off losses on SECOND homes. I don't know who makes these rules, but clearly they didn't ask me. And my dumb humans didn't bother to know the rules, so they didn't pay estimates last year. So now they aren't going on vacation. Yes, she is HERE ALL SUMMER.... with me.... in the house. No relief in sight. So I feel your pain. Hang in there. Escape plan in the works. Kisses, Yoda
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