Monday, February 16

We have a handy MAN's me...Annie Grace...

I was napping......for about 3 1/2 hours...... I wake up and gasped. Is that a man's voice? Quickly I scramble to my feet, check my fur to make sure it is shiny and fluffy, wash rapidly behind my ears and head downstairs. It is indeed a man. I immediately open my eyes wider on two accounts. One to make sure I was not dreaming and two to make sure the blue in my eyes is vivid. Seeing as I am not brazen like The Lady, I sashay over to him quite demur (once my profile) and with a little "shake". It works every time. Now The Lady is glaring at me. Look Lady...all is fair in love and war! I can snag him first. I even help him fix the shower opposed to Mommy Dearest who is now chatting on the phone. By now clearly he is smitten with me, so....I leave and go off to nap. Mission accomplished, pretend like you are interested and then coyly leave. The Lady could learn from me Plus....he's married so I am confident he will not rescue me or help to plot my escape. Next thing I know (after he leaves) she is waking me up and shoving some tool in my face. "Look Annie....look what I got! It even has a built in level!" She says while on the verge of hyperventilating It's a very high powered drill which is frightening me. I have patiently tried to explain that she should not be operating this kind of machinery....stick to a curling iron and blow dryer. I am confident that we will spend the entire evening moving pictures on the walls and making sure they are perfectly straight. Trust me....this will go on for the next couple of nights as she looks for more chores. As I stare at her.....willing her to leave me alone I imagine that I am living in my villa in Italy with a normal "keeper/slave" that will just feed me, clean my litter box and does not feel compelled share all aspects of her life with me and foremost....does not have such an array of tools.

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