Monday, February 16

Dear Yoda's me...Annie Grace....

I feel that my dear friend Yoda has felt neglected so I have some time while The Lady is in the kitchen making 50 jalapenos stuffed with sausage and cream cheese so she can freeze them for appetizers. Let's just say that should there be a situation in which people are without power or food....come here. We can eat for a month with what she has prepared and frozen. No....seriously. So here I go...

Dear Yoda,

My dear southern friend who is quite the sarcastic one. I am well. I fully am aware that only paint should come in a can not pet food which is why my food comes in these fabulous tin Tupperware like containers. As you know my ration is one tablespoon which is only administered in the morning at 7:00 am. Without my wake up call to The Lady I am fearful that it would be hours until I receive my appointed portion. One measly tablespoon!!! That's it! Yoda, I can still smell your scent in this house. I know it has been almost 1 year since you have been here......but your scent is lingering so I am fully reminded everyday that I am not the only prisoner that has been held captive. You....managed to escape to the southern territories in which people actually say hello. Count your blessings. Your old abode looks nothing like you left it. Yes....there is now a dog that resides there but let's just say.......he is not as worldly as you. Your old abode has depreciated even more so once again...count your blessings. In regards to Kenny Chesney....The Lady would prefer George Clooney and Hugh Jackman (in that order) before Kenny as they seem a tad more funny. regard to geographic locations and The Lady's lack of would be best not to educate her as now she will realize how little she knows. I like to keep her happy and sometimes....ignorance is bliss. (No....seriously. In her case it is best!) We are contemplating entering the Daisy Duke contest but I am trying sooooo hard to avoid that topic with her as it could now result in her going back to blond. (I am confident you see my dilemma.) Now I offer you my prayers
May your southern paws never feel snow again, may the gate keepers of your life allow you canned dog food and may you someday come back to sleep over night and snore/snort so loudly the whole house can not sleep. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "My old abode."??? My humans told me that we had to abandon ship because it wasn't going to make it through another winter! I hope that Harriet (my little friend the groundhog who lives in the cellar--don't tell the lady--apparently she isn't supposed to know about Harriet) is doing alright with that canine living there. Maybe you can sneak by on a reconnaissance mission?