Monday, October 5

Morning Alarm Clock #37's me....Annie Grace,
As you can well imagine a animal of my pure breeding comes with finishing school and papers exclaiming my importance. This morning I had to revert to my handbook of Ragdoll Instructions. What do do when you desperately want someone to get up in the morning. I chose #37. The attack of the arm with mild biting. I have selected this method based on a few conditions. The first being a cool nip in the air which makes the awaking just a tad slower, not for me.... for Mommy Dearest. I awoke from my ever so small polar fleece at the bottom of the bed and crept up, peering at her, REALLY close. Nothing! Now I sniff her face. Nothing! Next I walk over her. Nothing! Now I jump up into the bedroom window rattling the shade. Nothing! As I gaze over to the alarm clock I gasp. It's 7:01 AM. Get up! I really at this point start to realize that with my minuscule portion of chicken flavored Sheba sitting in the fridge waiting for long overdue. I pace back and forth under great duress and then stop and stare at her. Mentally I can wake her up. As I stare at her I realize that with only a small amount of drool escaping her mouth her lips still have lipstick on them. I make a mental note to let her know that her ColorStay lipstick really does work! With that piece of important information tucked securely in my head, I squint my perfect piercing blue eyes to the attack level and pounce on her arm, biting it all while grasping it tightly in my paws...all 4 of them.
"Annie, what are you doing??" she ask while trying to shake me off.
What am I doing??? Trying to act like a responsible adult and get up in the morning. Can you just imagine if she had children? Frightening indeed.
"Annie, this necessary?"
I pounce again now beating her arm with my back paws all while latching on to the arm. As I bite I realize that she is seriously trying to shake me. I shall not surrender!
Now she shakes me free and as I go for yet a third attack she hides her arms under the covers. I attack anyway. Victory! She is up and as we solemnly walk downstairs I remind her that the attire she is wearing is very unbecoming.
"Oh Annie, what was so important this morning that you had to get up?" she asks while rationing my Sheba. I have this scam down to a science...... Why, Mommy Dearest I wanted to watch Matt Lauer and see what is happening to Jon and Kate Plus 8, is the show cancelled?
"Oh Annie, Thanks" she says while dabbing ointment on her scratches.
My Pleasure.

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