Sunday, April 12

Happy Easter's me....Annie Grace.....
I awoke this morning EXTRA early just giddy with anticipation of Easter. I get an Easter Basket!!I was just a tad confused when The Lady did not appreciate my diligent effort to get the day off to an early start. After about 10 minutes of practicing my ballerina moves on the bed (which all of my practice has paid off....I am fabulous) including my latest pirouette....nothing. No movement except she rolls over. Since the Mary Kay Lip Balm was not replaced on the nightstand yesterday, I must now resort to the head butt. I did not want it to go this far but....I am left with no choice. The Head Butt works! I make a mental note to use this in the future. After devouring my minuscule 1 Tablespoon of Sheba-Duck flavored I patiently wait for the Easter egg hunt. Nothing. I look around for my Easter basket probably filled with Nip, Chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, Wisker Lickens Ocean mix, and Sheba. Nothing. Hey Lady...what do I get? Nothing. So finally I ask her what is the point of getting up so early this morning? "Oh's a Holy Day." A what?? If it's a Holy Day then why are you preparing a Sales Agreement to email which will then be printed, signed, scanned and emailed again? (How on earth did these people sell a house before a computer? ) Are we going to church? "No Annie....we are not I am going to dinner."
I now spend the rest of the day figuring how Jesus on a cross is now symbolized by candy and chocolate bunnies.

The Hare: Ancient Fertility Symbol
In the ancient world, the rabbit has long been a symbol of fertility. The rabbit is known for its reproductive prowess, in fact even today we talk of couples who have many children as "multiplying like rabbits." Because it is known to reproduce often, it was seen has having special powers in assisting humans to reproduce. In fact our own lucky rabbit's foot goes back to this ancient tradition. (Not only is it a bodily part of the fertile rabbit that can transfer power to the bearer, it also serves as a phallic symbol).In Europe prior to the introduction of Christianity the ancient pagans already had their own springtime festivals, as did almost all other ancient peoples. Because spring is the time, after the harshness of winter that the world begins to bloom once more, it is seen as a time of replenishing and renewal, birth and rebirth, fertility.The Goddess of Fertility in Northern Europe before the coming of the Christians was Eostre. It is in fact from her that our own word for Easter comes. The consort of Eostre was none other than a hare, that great animal symbol of fertility. According to some traditions, Eostre cast the hare into the Heavens, creating the constellation we know today as Lepus the Hare. Some stories also say that Eostre gave Lepus the ability to lay eggs once a year, eggs also being an ancient symbol of fertility.

Now that we have that figured turns to Chocolate

German settlers in Pennsylvania brought along their traditions with them, including the traditions of the Easter Bunny. They called him Osterhase, or Oschter Haws, who would lay brightly colored eggs to good children who would make special nests in their caps and bonnets the night beforeOver time the tradition grew, and soon Osterhase (or the Easter Bunny as he is known today) began to bring more than just eggs, but chocolate and candies as well. Rather than making nests in caps and bonnets, the Easter Bunny would leave his treasures in a decorated Easter basket. Although begun by German immigrants, these practices soon caught on throughout the United States and are now almost universally practiced. Christians and non-Christians alike look forward to Easter as a celebration of life and family, and the Easter Bunny, that ancient symbol of fertility, is the central figure. Across the country and around the world children wait eagerly for Easter to find the baskets full of eggs and chocolate left for them the night before by the Easter Bunny.
I must now go groom my fur which is said to be just like a bunny. Never mattes and is silky. You would think I would still receive some sort of chocolate. Happy Easter.

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