I am spending this evening in my open window with a chilled bottle of Chardonnay. Opting for for a French vintage I feel the need to celebrate. I have made it through 11 months of captivity here. Believe me...it has not been easy. The constant required daily wake up sessions I was not prepared for, the neediness, the Sheba being rationed, furniture being moved constantly, being head of the household, and a declining real estate market. But now we are celebrating many things......
1. Mr Craig List is apprehended-I am quite sure my investigative skills flushed him out after I posted my own personal services on the Internet
2. Spring-I saw the basket of flip flops were moved to the front of the closet
3. My new screens-Although they were purchased BEFORE she knew that two crazy people had backed out of buying a house.....but that is not my problem
4. Mommy Dearest's new pedicure-Although I did not think this was in out budget.....I was embarrassed for her and her toes but I have think this falls under the emergency fund
5. The Dead Christmas Tree-She has promised it will be gone by the end of the week. I am suspect that she actually has a plan but only time will tell. I can only remain optimistic.
6. My Song Birds-They are back. I now rely on them to help wake the sleeping Queen and no longer need to watch the clock or swipe the Mary Kay lip balm off the nightstand
7. The Shocking Pink Lipstick is missing-This indeed is cause for me to celebrate. She on the other hand is mourning the loss
8. Killing a client by reason of insanity-This is a bill that is at the Senate right now, backed by the entire real estate industry and about to be approved. If the client is indeed insane....you may cause bodily harm with no consequences
9. This months hair color- I actually like it on her. I am quite sure she threw away the box without writing down the color so in 6 weeks.....she will be in a tizzy
10. She bought us masks-Swine Flue protection. They are pink. Clearly she is quite the mom. I was always suspect of pigs anyway....I saw this coming.
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