Wednesday, October 15

Killing the vines

Hi...It's me...Annie Grace....
I am still in shock over today's episode. I had no idea that preparing for fall was so much work. I sit from MY window looking down at the driveway, waiting for someone to save me. My nose pressed on the screen. She thinks I am enjoying nature but I am honestly sending SOS messages telepathically. First she is wearing an outfit that I pray may not be seen by others. She looks like a man. Jeans, boots (which have no designer name), a very unflattering shirt, gloves (not cashmere), and her hair in some sort of matted ponytail. In and out of the garage she goes each time surfacing with a very scary looking tool. Next thing I know she is sawing off branches, ripping 25 foot vines of bittersweet which is killing her rhododendrons. Violently! She pulls, tugs, swears, tugs more then as it comes free she is promptly deposited on her butt with the vines in hand and a triumphant look. Next she looks at the monstrous vines, swears at them and throws them in to a mounting pile.'s not over yet. She pulls out a contraption, pumps and then begins to spray. I see the work KILLER on the bottle. Clearly making sure these choke holding vines will never return. Personally I see her spraying everything and am concerned. She is a weed killer abuser. With twigs in her hair, scratches all over her and after a couple of hours I see the mounting pile and shout out the window "Hey lady how are you going to get rid of that pile?". She peers up at me, waves and then a look of confusion comes over her filthy face. Yup she is so proud of herself for doing the work and never gave a thought as to how to get rid of the huge pile. Next Shmirl walks up the driveway and begins to help her. I kept trying to get Shmirl's attention...yooohoooo....I am up me! I am ignored. They tug and strategically figure out how to get the big ones. Now they are discussing how to remove the pile since she does not have a truck. I sit up as I hear Shmirl say "you could always get a burn permit and burn it while standing with a hose." Are you two insane????? I do not think The Lady should be burning by herself. I have visions of her selecting which outfit is appropriate "to burn in" and finding the right lip gloss that will sparkle in the fire. Stop!! I see defeat in her eyes and know I am safe..... for now. I should mention that although she has cleaned up and shoveled a half a pizza in her...she is down for the count. Every muscle in her back and arms is on fire, she even forgot to give me my Wisker Lickens. I actually had a small amount of sympathy and am curled up at her feet on the blanket on the couch. Under no conditions is this habitual. We are not going to do this every night. As I effortlessly jumped up and settled down I gave her the HHTT Look. There is no need to encroach my space, pet me or think that I will snuggle. So far....she is in too tired to argue. Thank Goodness.

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