Sunday, September 28

Saying goodbye to The Toad

Hi...It's me Annie Grace,

While you all realize that I clearly think she is insane..if not demented......I will agree that I do find it odd about The Toad. He is out on the back steps just about every evening. And yes...he really does come out from the darkness to sit at her feet when she comes outside. What I am trying to grasp is............. the other day when she brought in a FLY on steroids to amuse me while she was why? Perhaps ...........she is not human. I mean really....The Toad?......the fly showing up???? Why else would The Toad hang out? VOLUNTARILY? I just do not get it. But she is outside in the fleeting summer evenings....taking every night to visit with The Toad. Seriously....I even hear him rustling (Yes Russell) in the leaves under MY window.

I am starting to comprehend that summer is her favorite season and am getting scared...very scared...that this could be a long winter season. Me....HER......alone.....for many months. No beach......oh my goodness! I can see that sappy look in her eye (which I might add the latest.....she is saving Mascara for special occasions....that is her idea of "cutting back") and I see her visions of Sugar Plum Fairies and sitting in front of a roaring fire TOGETHER reading a trashy novel laced with a little murder. I understand the term "long winter months". With a glazed look in her eye she tells me all about how much fun we will have together......snow storms, making homemade red sauce simmering while we sit in front of the fire.

I am too sacred to give The HHTT Look. I close both eyes....really tight....once again thinking of Poland...Italy.... I had no idea the end of summer would be so soon and I have had no time to find very good escape/hiding spots. I am off skulking around looking into closets....behind chairs, space under the beds (which seems to be my best options so far as she has NOTHING under the beds!!! Why? Because I have been told it is "bad Feng Shui and not good for a relationship." A relationship with WHO? George? ME? The Toad? Here is the actual definition -
Feng Shui - a Chinese geomantic practice in which a structure or site is chosen or configured so as to harmonize with the spiritual forces that inhabit it ; also : orientation, placement, or arrangement according to the precepts of feng shui

I have nicely deposited clumps of my hair under the beds (orientation,placement or arrangements) in hopes this may solve the problem. She has no idea I have done this.

I have been watching HER closet for days and have "tested the waters" in it by spending some time in it. I have noticed an increase of dark heavier clothing that seems perfect for me to rub again as I saunter through it. It will be the perfect winter hobby. To see how much I can drive her insane with my hair......on her clothes.....all winter. Perhaps winter won't be so bad!

So......we say goodbye to The he must be off to Miami for the winter. How he is getting there I have no idea....(with the cost of fuel today!) but I am confident even if he walks the whole way...he has enough body mass to live for quite a while. Seriously...look at him!

Here is the latest Toad picture.....please note...he has his back to her....

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